I tend to glaze over and my mind wanders as soon as pensions are mentioned. I’ve potentially got at least another 26 years of work ahead of me and I struggle to think about what’s happening next month let alone in the year 2044! The current changes proposed by Universities UK are forcing us employeesRead the Rest…
Posts Categorized: Uncategorized
Value in Doubt
“From a historical point of view – no matter how miserable my situation is – at this hour in the world’s history I have an advantage over you because I am compelled – I am speaking as a Black man, to doubt my history, to examine it, and I am compelled to try to createRead the Rest…
Johannesburg, Joburg, Jozi
I’m not sure where to start. I’ll go with the 1984 Dinner as that was my main reason for visiting South Africa. As with Singapore and Melbourne, I feel I have just scratched the surface of what there is to know about art and politics here. Repeating the format of the dinner has also beenRead the Rest…
Video postcards
Australia (1 February – 10 March 2013)
Melbourne 2
Weekly blogging hasn’t really worked. I was immersing myself in Melbourne life and didn’t really feel like writing it up at the time. The transitory space of the airplane seems to be the ideal time for this. I’m on the 14 hour non-stop flight to Johannesburg following one month in Melbourne. I’ve just had twoRead the Rest…
In the back of a taxi heading from my hotel in the far East of Singapore towards the National University of Singapore in the west, my eye follows the container port that stretches for miles along the coast. My thoughts have been occupied by containers and the politics of global shipping for the last fewRead the Rest…
Why did I join the picket line?

Yesterday’s one day strike action was both heartening and disappointing. Heartening when, for example, a Birkbeck student came in to join us on the picket line to hand out leaflets for half an hour. Disappointing not so much because some people crossed the picket line, but because union members who were on strike (and decidingRead the Rest…
Friday Event, Glasgow, 18 October 2013

I’m off to Glasgow today to do the School of Fine Art Friday Event tomorrow. I’ll be presenting past and present projects, focusing on Performative Interviews, 1984, Manual Labours and Critical Friends.
Art work as wage labour

Go to the blog on http://artiststalkmoney.ning.com/ and read my three blog posts on cultural work as wage labour. Please add your comments!
Launch of new publication!

Book Launch!
Participating in the Wrong Way?
Four Experiments by Sophie Hope
Published by Cultural Democracy Editions (London) 2011
Saturday 8 October, 12-5pm
Spike Island 133 Cumberland Road, Bristol BS1 6UX, UK